Monday, September 15, 2008

my favorite author of the year: elizabeth gaskell

as many of you know, i discovered elizabeth gaskell this year. after seeing some british films made from several of her novels, i fell in love with her storytelling of strong and kind women. mrs. gaskell was a contemporary of and friends with the bronte sisters (emily and charlotte). she was well known to the readers of charles dicken's popular syndicate if their day. after seeing the film "north and south" (no this is not the miniseries with patrick swayzy) I was intrigued by the charachter of margaret hale. i was confused by different scenes and i decided i needed to really understand her. her virtue is a major focus and yet i found her very self-contradictory at times. so i am almost done with the book and I am loving it! jane austin fans would enjoy this novel. i will give more juicy detail later...but at least i have actually started my blog!


trevorandsarahtaylor said...

Ashlie! Your blog looks so cute! Good job!! I need a copy of that picture!

ashlie said...

Thanks, yours inspired me!

tricell and garret said...

hmmm...Elizabeth Gaskell? Sounds like a Jane Austen wannabe

ashlie said...

you should just give her a try, you'll become addicted. her style is different than jane austin. if you read her you couldn't say that. however, if you if you like one, you'll probably enjoy the other.

jonny and i hiking king's peak

jonny and i hiking king's peak
what an adventure! there are not very many times in my life i recall being that exhausted!